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Summer Update

It's been a fantasic year for EUCPSC. From all the new members who joined this year, to the old hands leaving us or taking up major committee positions; from a relaxed Wednesday afternoon shoot at Cluny to the exitement of our inaugural competition at Bisley, we can all agree that this has been another successful year for the club and a fun year for the members!

The club has won 3 of the 5 competitions we have attended, with special congratulations to Giles Hodgson for being awarded blues.

Membership has increased this year to more than 50, with many of our new joiners being complete beginners, and we hope this growth will continue into the next academic year.

Our own Edinburgh competition was a great success, raising £1000 for Macmillan Cancer Support and with shooters from York, Aberdeen, St Andrews, Lancaster, Manchester and Newcastle universities. Newcastle were the eventual winners of the competition, and congratulations to them.

A few thank you's are required, for those who have worked so hard to keep the club running smoothly. This year's committee have done a fantastic job running the club, so many thanks to Jess Watson, Alice Lowry, Torquil Macneal, Laura Clubley, Cam Collins, Giles Hodgson, Alexander Campbell, Andrew Caracciolo, James Lawson Baker and Efe Madranefe. Special thanks to Jess, Alice and Torquil for holding the sometimes unenviable positions of President, Secretary and Treasurer, for putting a huge amount of time and effort into the club - we're all very grateful.

Many thanks as well to the staff at Cluny Clays and Bisely for all the help and training.

Congratulations and good luck to our newly-elected committee members for the 2015/16 academic year:

President: Cam Collins

Secretary: Alexander Campbell

Treasurer: Giles Hodgson

Social Secretaries: James Lawson Baker & Cameron Paterson

Alumni Officer: Grace Knight

Events Organiser : Alice Lowry

Kit & Safety Officer: Jenny Cooper

Publicity Secretary: Charlie Carden

Ordinary Members: Charlie Dobson & Ben Boyes

Congratulations also to our Best New Shot, John Shu.

To any prospective members, either current Edinbugh Students or prospective students waiting on exam results who are reading this, be sure to like our Facebook page and follow our Twitter account for news and updates as the new academic year approaches, look out for us at the Sports Fair during Fresher's week, and be sure to sign up for one of our Wednesday afternoon shoots (with no committment for the first two shoots). Absolutely no experience required, just enthusiasm.

We look forward to seeing you all in the new year!

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