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November Newsletter

Hello from EUCPSC!

It's been another fantastic semester for the club. After a very successful fresher's week, with a record number of interested new members and an oversubscribed taster shoot, the club has continued apace with our weekly training sessions. We've been watching our many new beginners improve rapidly, with help from our more experienced shooters, and are all enjoying the new stands at Cluny that have provided our old hands with a new challenge. We've also had a number of enjoyable (and memorable) socials keeping the fun going on a Wednesday night.

We sent a number of teams up to Aberdeen University's competition and proved ourselves with the Edinburgh men's teams coming both first and second, as well as our very own Giles Hodgeson awarded Top Gun - an impressive feat on such a challenging course. Many thanks to Aberdeen for hosting us at the competition and for the celebrations afterwards, and to all the other university teams who attended.

Looking forwards through to the end of the term, the St. Andrews competition is approaching rapidly (for many the highlight of the year's social calendar!) and so training will be moderately more intense during the build up. Afterwards the weekly shoots will continue, and expect some friendly Christmas competitions and more socials in the final few weeks of the term .

If you haven't yet been on one of our weekly shoots, please do come along! You don't need to pay for membership for your first shoot so it's only £15 and a great way to spend a wednesday afternoon. Sign up goes out on our Facebook group here every monday - be quick though because it fills up fast!

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